Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Deuce Deuce

In the interest of continuity, I am going to post another livejournal post from five years ago. I think it is important to point out that this entry was from a few days before my 16th birthday, a major life milestone. I am now writing in this blog a few days before my 21st birthday, and to be quite honest it is disheartening how little has changed.


13th November 2003

3:16pm: restroom??
haha- i just watched some guy get out of his car and go into the woods behind my house, pee and run back to his car. he had to be in highschool. i think.

it was really funny because 1. its the middle of the day 2. at first we thought he was just trying to get through the woodsy thing, which is funny because there is a road right next to it. 3. my mom and little sister went out on the back porch and waved as his car drove away. 4. i think he peed on himself. which reminded me of- i see said the blind man , peeing in the wind, it all comes back to me now.
so this whole episode was an incredibly funny end, to a rather good day. i hope yours was half as good as mine. ( ooo that sounds mean. i just mean if it was half as good you had a good day, because i had a weirdly awesome day )

Maybe I shouldn't jump right to disheartening. It's almost cute how little my brain has evolved from 15 to 20.

In other news; I have bronchitis and the abs that I do not have hurt so bad! But it makes me think that maybe I will have a six pack after this ordeal? The chances for this are severely diminished, however, due to the fact that all I have done for the past two days is lay around watching television and eating everything in my apartment. I have to say that the styrofoam container was a bad choice.

In laying around my apartment, I attempted to watch Atonement. I think that people only pretend to like that movie. I did not. Well... I fell asleep. But some of the filming looked like it was made for the History Channel. You know, that fast motion stuff --- I don't know, it looked like it didn't have a filter on the lens or something? I don't know enough about movies to really comment on it, other than I wasn't impressed with it. And I am sure that I know some people who say they liked it simply for the fact that they thought they should.

This might be a re-occuring theme in this blog; being entirely uninformed about things and then calling people out on them regardless. It would be like... Jason's entire life.

On the subject of major life milestones; 21 is in 4 or so days, and I feel like an 80 year old woman. I even watched jeopardy for the last 2 days in a row, so you know I am old.

This blog is entirely pointless... in particular this entry, but I am avoiding doing productive things and so it is serving its purpose.

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