Monday, November 10, 2008

Ceremonial First Introduction Post.

This is my blog. I still have a livejournal... it can be found at
I think that I will find this date roughly, 5 years ago and do a brief analysis of my livejournal entry. Here goes:

12th November 2003

7:45pm: you have won ten thousand dollars.... AND A GOAT!!!!
a slightly less violent update than the last. wow- people are weird. namely me. we get a "fridge" in franciscos class to hang our drawings up!! wow... why cant she just teach our class allready. i have to give credit to ms. barnes yet for not dying and giving up. today we got a bunch of people to put their shoes in a pile in front of her desk. she was confused. obviously very confused. and it was funny.

went in the pit today. am a little afraid of being down there because josh r. said he was going to piss in it. i dont want to die... or be urinated on. both of which seem to be possible in the pit.

i love these bands that i never really appreciated before... basically because everyone loves them and i thought they were just another worthless mainstream band. but wow... how i love all american rejects and taking back sunday. go ahead and laugh genevieve... thats right laugh it up spanky.

ah lunch... what a great time for laughing. except for nikki telling jeanine that i liked max... because- you dont tell jeanine things like that. she takes them way to seriously and starts planning weddings. honestly.

wow- only four days!!! watch out y'all


So basically. . . nothing has changed much. I am still apparently retarded and talking about useless things. But I would like to go into detail about two of the items in the post.

1. Ms Barnes; She was the worst student teacher I have encountered in my life. I am looking back, and she was probably right around my age now, and I just feel bad for the poor girl. We would color pictures during class, then demand that she hang them on the blackboard. My all time favorite would be the assignment where she made us create power points for the different systems of the body, and ours was "Michael Jackson and the Upper Respiratory System."

A testament to the fact that nothing has changed is that I still find that funny.

2. Main Stream Music: OMG I used to suck so hard! Well... I still do, but not quite in the same way *wink wink* ( you were thinking it, I just said it). Anyway, I love that now I listen to Britney Spears and I am no longer ashamed (for the most part). I cannot believe that I played that game for so long, but how many people continue to play that game I ask you? The answer; tons. Unfortunately I run into a lot of them. And I start again, but then I realize : "FUCK YOU, I can enjoy My Chemical Romance and Neutral Milk Hotel, bitch."

The same goes for movies. I think its fair that I love The Stupids and can still enjoy Little Children or American History X. Oh, hey! Do you ever try to walk that fine line between admitting when you really enjoy something, but you don't want to admit it because you are afraid that everyone will think you like it because its cool to like it? Well, I like American Beauty too. So there.

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